MIDEM 2014 JAPAN STAND / Submit Your Song to Get Feedback at Workshop!



MIDEM is one of the world’s largest music exhibitions, held from February 1st (Sat) to February 4th (Tue)in Cannes, France. Music Publishers Association of Japan(MPAJ) and Japan External Trade Organization will be co-hosting a series of event at JAPAN STAND in order to promote Japanese music, music market and music organizations to the world.

JAPAN STAND will be holding a special event where submitted songs from artists who hope to launch into world music market can get feedback from worlds’ noted music experts.

Submission Accepted Now!

At MIDEM2014, MPAJ will invite the world’s noted music experts as guest speakers, and have a listening session during the workshop to give feedback on submitted songs those artist who hope to launch into international music market.

The workshop has two sections. One is for songs and artists who look into international market from Japan, and the other is for those who look into entering Japanese music market from overseas. Each session is scheduled to be an hour long.

We are now looking for artists and songs who look into launching into international music market. Please fill out the required fields in the form available from the link below and submit your song(s).

[Title] MPAJ Song Pitching Workshop
[Date] February 2nd (Sun) 2014 3PM-5PM
[Venue] MIDEM in Cannes, France
[Submission] From October 1st (Tue) to December 20th (Fri) 2013

*We will announce the detailed guest speaker list on this website.
*MIDEM 2014 participation is not required.
*Please be noted that MIDEM participation should be made at applicants’ expense. We offer MIDEM participation tour as well. Please check the website if interested,
*Please contact for any inquiry.
