Hemenway / Final Release of 10 Consecutive Digital Single Series on 10/16!



Hemenway has saved the best for last, “Mayoi Michino Uede,” as the final single of the 10-month consecutive digital release series which kicked off as the new year of 2013 began. This special number has been cherished over years, even before Hemenway’s major debut, and waiting for the right moment to be officially released. Reflecting every step of the way throughout Hemenway’s growth as they successfully complete a series of releases and lives, “Mayoi Michino Uede” is now refined into its best and ready to be released to the world on 10/16/2013. The lyrics express a strong will to keep walking the path of ‘life’ enriched through many ‘goodbyes’ and ‘hellos’ despite dilemmas and fears for an uncertain future, reflecting Hemenway’s determination to take a new step into a brand new tomorrow.

This final digital single is most definitely a song you don’t want to miss out on because it’s so Hemenway, and yet it’s so new as IKE from SPYAIR mentioned in his recommendation comment, “There’s just something about Hemenway that keeps me curious, from their new style of sound composition to Isaac’s expressions in Japanese… Everything!” So, make sure to experience it yourself and don’t forget to join Hemenway for a special episode of “Hemenway Street” on STOLABO via USTREAM on the day of the release, 10/16/2013(JST), where they will look back upon the 10-month release series. They will also make an important announcement during this episode, so mark your calendar and tune in from your corner of the world!

Release Information:

“Mayoi Michino Uede”
Release Date: 10/16/2013(Wed)
*Digital release only
*iTunes URL:

Live Streaming Information:
“Hemenway Street Vol. 15” on STOLABO via USTREAM
Date & Time: 10/16/2013(Wed) 21:00~ (JST/Estimated)
Live Streaming URL:
*Twitter hashtag: #Hemenway

Live Information:
“Hemenway Kousatsu 2013” Final Live of 10-Consecutive Live Series (Solo Live)

Date: 11/2/2013(Sat)

Time: OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30

Venue: shibuya eggman
Ticket: 2,000 yen *1 drink minimum

Info: shibuya eggman +81-3-3496-1561

Official Website:
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Official YouTube Channel: