Shigeru Matsuzaki / First Performance of ‘Ai no Volare’ in France
Shigeru Matsuzaki has participated in Chico & the Gypsies’ album “Ai to Jounetsu no Gypsy” released on 2/6/2013. He was also invited to join the band’s concert held in France on 2/16/2013 at Patio de Camargue, the Mecca of Gypsy music and a venue owned by the band leader, Chico.
When Shigeru Matsuzaki sang the collaboration number ‘Ai no Volare’ for the first time, the audience of about 1000 was overwhelmed by his powerful performance. Soon after the stage, the audience praised him with a full standing ovation. The audience absolutely loved his performance that he was called back on stage upon an enthusiastic encore call. He thanked the audience by singing the song once more in front of the highly impressed audience of France.
Official Website: http://www.walker21.co.jp/matsuzakishigeru/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/shigeru_mats
Shigeru Matsuzaki