If you listen to the POLYSICS you don’t have to listen hard to realise where their inspiration is coming from. The band’s frontman Hayashi revealed that the band was formed out of his respect and love for Devo. With the roots of new-wave and the attitude of punk-rock, the POLYSICSplease their fans with the most energetic live shows you can imagine. Onstage they wear the wildest costumes from outer space, use multiple languages including English, Japanese and a made up, even more out of space, language while performing their very original mix of highly energetic, sometimes nervous but very driving music
The band’s name originates from the “Korg Polysix” which was the first synthesizer owned by frontman Hayashi.
Offical Website: http://www.polysics.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/POLYSICS/260419960659129
Twitter: http://twitter.com/POLYSICS_TOISU
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/polysics